When you began lecture with the words “today we will be discussing American country music,” I immediately knew it would be a lecture that I would enjoy. I am southern born and raised so country music is all that I listen to. Even though I didn’t grow up listening to Jimmie Rodgers and Hank Williams, I still know who they are and more importantly I know how big of an impact they had on country music. Back during the depression they didn’t have all of this pop and rap music, it was old time blues and folk music. American’s did everything they could to survive and keep their homes. Even though millions were displaced from their homes and lost what they had, country music was there and these people could relate to it. I personally believe that country music is truly the only music that every kind of person can relate to. Wether it be a typical break up, partying, church going, or way of living there is at least one country song that everyone can relate to. I feel as if other music especially in today’s culture is all about the same thing, even the new country music. Don’t get me wrong I listen to new country, but I would much rather listen to the country songs that were released during the 90’s because they all sang about different things. I found it interesting when we spoke about honky tonks and one student asked if they are still a thing or even exist in cities. The first thing that came to my mind was umm hello Nashville?! Like you said though, every city has their honky tonk. Whether it be in the middle of the city like Nashville, or in a bad part of town they still exist
. This nation was founded on country music and it amazes me to see how much music and culture changes over the decades.
Sarah White